Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Life Makeover Step One: The Problem

From the time I was a little girl, I dreamed of someday becoming a princess and truly having that "happily ever after" the fairy tales I so loved promised. Once upone a time, I had everything going for me. Then, just as in every story, the antagonist (in my case, the big bad real world) struck me down hard! I was partying too much, had collected a massive amount of debt, was destroying my relationships with my boyfriend and family, and was far from getting anywhere with my career. Princess status? Ha! Try waitress/ bar maid working nearly 60 hours a week and not having any extra money to show for it. There is still hope, however. At some point, in every story, the character reaches an epiphany, their "aha" moment, where they come to terms with the fact that there needs to be a change. A magical Fairy Godmother appears and bibbidy, bobbidy, boo! Happily ever after. This is my fairy tale. My life transformation in text. For those of you that are reading, I hope you can learn with me. Share your experiences and any advice. The story begins now.

A day in the life of Christina:

Sleep 'til 12:30.
Play on facebook.
Eat something.
Play on facebook/ maybe watch something on TV.
Shower (maybe).
Go to work.
Either go out with my friends or go to my other job.
Come home.
Say hi to my boyfriend.
Probably argue with him because I was out too late.
Pass out.

Wow.  Has my life really gone down to this level?  Anyone that knew me five years ago would be appalled at my laziness and lack of ambition.  This road is getting me nowhere.  My house is a mess.  I'm falling into a huge puddle of debt.  I'm eating unhealthy.  I'm not exercising, unless you count a few hours of dancing at parties and shows.  My boyfriend and I are constantly fighting.  I rarely talk to my family.  I work a lot, but it stresses me out more than anything.  I find myself in a continuous daydream about how I want my life to be, but I can't seem to find a way out!  I've gone from one of the most positive, optimistic, ambitious people in the world to this wreck and it's time to start assessing the damage for real.

The "Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo":

Step one:  ORGANIZE.

It's time to get everything back in order.  No more being late because I can't find my things.  No more not knowing when bills are due and brushing them off like they're nothing.  No more promising people I'll be there, and forgetting to show up because I double-booked myself.  A type-a person like myself living in a type-b world is a recipe for disaster!

I work really well with checklists, and you'll notice them a lot throughout this blog.  I like checklists because they keep me on task and I make sure everything that I intend to get done, actually gets finished.  Hopefully you can take something from these lists and tweak them to fit your own lifestyle as well!

1.  The Help the Lost Clutter Find its Home List (aka the chore list):

One of my favorite books, How to Walk in High Heels, by Camilla Morton, is a chic guideline to successful everyday living for everyday girls that seek fabulousness!  There's a section in this book for everything, from getting ready, walking in Manolo's, playing poker, and  I have found her housekeeping checklist very helpful, mostly since it jumps around a bit and doesn't focus on one room at a time.  Therefore I don't get bored.  I've taken the checklist and formatted it to fit my lifestyle.  Here it goes.

Make the bed
Charge phone and laptop
Create a daily to-do list
Put away clean laundry
Organize and wash dirty laundry
Open the windows for a minute and air out the room (even if it's cold)
Plump the cushions and pillows on the couches
Pick up all trash and clutter and put it in its place
Get the mail and sort
Empty and re-load the dishwasher
Handwash any leftover dishes, wineglasses, etc.
Wipe down all tables, counters, surfaces
Wipe out sinks
Take out trash/ recycling
Water plants if necessary

Wash windows
Scrub toilets
Scrub bathtub/ shower
Clean out refridgerator
Clean out microwave

2.  Use a planner and calendar.

I've found myself double-booking a lot.  I've also found myself going to a lot more parties and shows, rather than spending time with my boyfriend and family or focusing on important things like my school situation.  It's time I get back into the groove of using a planner and a calendar.  A planner will help me see my day-to-day, where a calendar can help me organize when things, such as bills, are due.

The Time Wise Checklist

Write down when bills are due, and how much they're for
If necessary, come up with a plan to break down bills (I'll write a post about this)
Write down any birthdays and special events (Facebook is a great resource for this)
Write down work schedule
Organize the dates
Put them in your calendar as well as in your planner
Keep your planner with you at all times
*Make sure to put yourself and your responsibilities first, but save some time to dole out between friends, significant others, and family.

3. Put the plan in action!

Now that I have a plan, it's time to put it to the test.  I'll keep you all updated as to how the checklists are working and modify if necessary.  Good luck to those seeking to better themselves in any aspect!  Have a fabulous day.


  1. Good luck my dear! I wish you the best. This sounds like a great idea. I may take a bit from your list!! And I want to borrow that book!

  2. Also, my favorite planner are the moleskines! You can get them in three different sizes and they're located at Barnes and Noble! Check it out!
