Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Goals

New year, fresh start.  I've never been much of a participant in "new year's resolutions" in the past.  The last few months, however, I've reached a bit of an epiphany: I'm stuck in a rut and don't know how to get myself out of this mess!  Bibbidy, bobbidy, boo!  I started "Fairy Godmother, Make Over my Life!"  I began this blog with such high hopes, was doing well for a while, then somehow, got lost in my fantasy la-la land full of sunshine and rainbows and forgot about the real world.  (Typical Christina move.  It's happened more times than I can count.)  This time, I'm taking a new approach and really focusing.  This is important to me and I need to stop distracting myself from reality and really make an effort to improve my health, happiness, relationships, and stability.

The new direction I want to take with this lifestyle make-over is based on the Chakra system.  "The Chakras are metaphysical vortices of energy originating in the ancient Indian system of healing, which positions them in seven major centres down the body, controlling the flow of subtle energies.  They symbolize the connection between the spiritual and the physical."  (-Liz Simpson, author of "The Book of Chakra Healing")

This journey I'm about to embark upon is one of self-discovery.  I want to feel healthy and energetic.  I want to be able to express myself in the best light.  I want to find peace, learn about the world, and most of all, love like I've never loved before.  I want to make something of myself and leave behind a miserable and angry past.

The remainder of this post will tell a brief description of each Chakra.  I received this information from "The Book of Chakra Healing" by Liz Simpson.  I'll also include some personal goals based on the Chakra philosophies that will help bring this from text to real-life status.  Later posts will be about a few things I'm doing each day to reach these goals and my progress with such.  Let the amazing journey begin!

1. Root Chakra:  Physical health and fitness, grounding, stability, security, being able to stand up for oneself.

Personal goals I want to achieve, based on the Root philosophies:

* Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
* Drink water.
* Take vitamins.
* Work out daily.
* Take control of my finances.
* Re-establish links with friends and family I've lost contact with.
* Make my home reflect who I truly am.

2. Sacral Chakra: Allowing pleasure, creating expression, uncovering motivations influencing choices, emotional balance, sexuality.

Personal goals based on the Sacral philosophies:

* Create or work on one piece of art a week.
* Respect all of myself.
* Accept love from others.
* Embrace sexuality.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra:  Purpose, self-respect, courage to take risks, self-will

Personal goals:

*Confront my fears and try to conquer them.
* Don't be a doormat.  Stand up for myself.
* Control anger in a positive way.
* Know that I am my own person and that I choose my thoughts and behavior.
* Look, dress, and feel confident.
* Work on the way I carry myself and my posture.

4.  Heart Chakra: Balance, compassion, self-acceptance, forgiveness, love and relationships

Personal goals:

* Connect with people through smiling and simple communication.
* Do something nice for those who are less fortunate.
* Be a loving and compassionate friend.
* Find a way to release past pain and hurt.
* Have no enemies.

5.  Throat Chakra: Harmony with others, self-knowledge, creativity, personal expression, the power of choice, communication

Personal goals dealing with the Throat Chakra philosophies:

* Exercise and strengthen my voice.
* Take a vocal music lesson.
* Start a journal to express my feelings safely.
* Speak up for myself.
* Embrace any creative opportunity.
* Speak from the heart.
* Think about what I say before I say it.

6.  Third Eye Chakra: ability to "see" other than with the eyes, emotional intelligence, intuition, wisdom

Personal goals:

* Practice being silent and listening.
* Act upon intuition.
* Be alert to the tiniest details of the world around me.
* Think about why certain people or situations have crossed my path.
* Read more.
* Use my imagination.

7.  Crown Chakra: expanded consciousness, selflessness, spirituality

Personal goals:

* Have a magnetic personality.
* Be at peace with myself.
* Meditate.
* Let go and be free.
* Release all of my limited thoughts. "Think outside the box."

I look forward to hearing your feedback!

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