Thursday, January 19, 2012

From victim to empowered woman!

The second speaker for the 30 Day Reinvention Project, Stacey Spensley, had a lot of wisdom to share.  She spoke quite a bit on a topic that we ALL know exists, but usually tend to ignore.  It's something that's second nature to us.  Self-victimizing words.  So many times we are unsatisfied with how things are going in our day-to-day.  Instead of taking responsibility for our actions or reactions to certain events, we blame others and the situation.  We use phrases such as I hope, I wish, I can't, if only, I should, and it's not my fault.  What's the outcome of these words?  We start to really believe they're true, ourselves.  And even though we try to hide it and burry it deep inside, we pour out our pain subliminally through converstation.

For example!

I can't seem to lose any weight.  I don't have the time to work out.  I don't have the money to eat healthy.  I get embarrassed going to the gym.  Poor me.

No way, sister.  No more pity party!  It's time to take control.

Stacey gives great advice on how we can move forward from this by using empowering words.  Her worksheet, which I've attatched here, is an awesome way to help you realize just how much you might use these victimizing phrases in your vocabulary.

Let's look back at the same example I used earlier.  Instead of using that awful phrasing, I can take charge by using a more positive approach.

I won't lose weight if I keep this up.  It's all my fault that I've procrastinated and haven't made time in my daily schedule to work out.  Perhaps I shouldn't have gone out last night.  I can learn from this experience and make better use of my time in the future.  I can work harder at budgeting and skip that latte in the morning in order to eat healthier.  I know I can handle going to the gym, I just need to stop using silly excuses!

Where there's a will, there's a way!  I'm going to definitely work on taking more control of my life and stop playing the damsel in distress.  In order to change my ways, I have to save myself!   This will definitely be a work in progress!

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