Friday, January 6, 2012

Let go and forgive.

According to 365 Ways to Live Happy: Simple Ways to Find Joy Every Day, by Meera Lester:

"You can never go back to previous moments or past events.  Once you have moved through them, they are forever gone.  Whatever is in the past that haunts you or makes you sad or fearful necessarily stays there.  It cannot be undone.  If some past event or encounter still bothers you, do what you can to process through it and let it go.  You alone give it the power it has over you.  Release it and instead focus on the present moment.  Be mindful right now of where you are, who you are, and what you're doing.  Paying attention to and being fully present in each moment of your life means you truly will be showing up for your life.  That is the way to happiness."

I'm taking some time to write a forgiveness letter to someone that I care about deeply, but has shattered my heart through violent, angry actions.  If I'm ever going to progress with my relationships and be happy, I have to forgive others, and more importantly, myself.  This is a fresh start.  Holding on to angry feelings dealing with past events isn't going to get me anywhere but sad.

Now, for some music therapy...  Zeds Dead "Coffee Break"

Link for Lester's book:

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